Friday, October 31, 2014

Burdastyle Magazine 11/2014

Here we go again!

Some of you actually told me they were missing my reviews, which made me feel so warm in my heart! I have a lot of fun writing them anyway, so I just had to get back on the horse!

Disclaimer: this issue of Burda was given to me, but I can assure you I'm still unbiased.

As I usually do, let me start with the patterns in this issue I actually did like:
Of course, a pretty, pretty dress!
This looks spectacular on the model (love the fabric), the draped panel of the bodice looks pretty great, and that little cape! So dramatic, but not too much.
Stamp of approval: earned. Will I make it? Probably not, unless the perfect occasion for it rises up. Definitely more of a Summer dress, tho.

I said many times I'm partial to Burda's outerweat and to big, dramatic collars, and this little coat is no exception. The fabric choice and the styling are definitely helping here.

Again, outerwear I like. Once again, I really love what they did with the fabric choice here, and it shouldn't be too hard to replicate this print-mizing...
Also, the minimal silhouette is very chic. Love!

Mmh... I'm very torn here. On one side, I like the poofy shoulders and the way this t-shirt looks on the model... On the other... I can't help but think this looks a bit weird. Help me decide, you guys.

You know what I think of Burda's array of rectangle patterns... I thought "this could almost look cool", but not really. The fabric is quite beautiful, but it still looks like she's wearing a blanket (a look that so few women can make work, imho). So... no.
And let me reiterate my usual point with these patterns: do you really want to spend time tracing a rectangle from an intricate sheet and add seam allowance to it?

Mmh... Again, no thanks. I once again almost thought this looked pretty, but the folded napkin hem and weird sleeves just defeated me. No.

And finally, we have a few gowns inspired by movies.
I really, really loved the idea, but I'm not very happy with the execution.

This red number is inspired by the one worn by Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman". Well, it does look like it belongs 24 years in the past. The neckline is a bit vulgar for my taste and the knot "right there" is just a huge no-no for me.

Again, so tacky!
This gown is inspired by Bérénice Marlohe in "Skyfall". I found this video about the original dress, and you can really tell the difference. The lace used here looks so cheap in comparison... It's a great costume for a 007 character, but I don't think it translates too well in real life.

And this... this is the worst of all. It's inspired by a gown worn by Leslie Caron in "An American in Paris". I don't really like the original look either, but I get it as a ballet costume. This just looks like the skirt was caught in a shredder (and the non-color is terrible)... Nope.

The issue contains three more "diva"- inspired looks, and tbh, I don't like any of them.
There are also some forgettable plus-size patterns and some ADORABLE baby patterns.

All in all, not the best issue for me personally, but not the worst either. At least, I liked the styling in most photos and some of the ideas.

Did anything tickle your fancy?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

2 Bronte Tops for Perfect Pattern Parcel #

Size: 10
Alterations: for the striped top, I shortened the long sleeves into elbow length
Fabric: both knits were from my stash, the striped one is the same I used for my Mariposa tee

So I've been asked again (see my first time here) to participate to the Perfect Pattern Parcel tour, and of course I said yes!
Not only do I get to try out some new indie patterns, I get to do it for charity as well.

Skirt: Zara (old)
Boots: OVS (old)

I must say pretty much all the patterns included in the pack are really awesome (see list below), but I was conquered by the Bronte top. Jennifer actually asked me to be a tester when the pattern came out, but I was having a really busy period, so I sadly declined.
But now that this gorgeous knit pattern has magically returned into my life, I just had to make it.

Skirt: handmade
Boots: Les Lolitas (very old)
I liked the first version so much that I immediately made a second one!
I love them both equally (although knowing myself, I'll probably wear the striped one more), and in these photos you can really see how versatile this pattern is, working really well in two very different outfits.

Jennifer did a great job on this pattern on all levels.
I love the fit, which is very snug; if your stomach is an area you want to conceal, you will definitely need some alterations, but for me, liking my knits to be very snug and form fitting, this is absolutely perfect.
The instructions are very well written and illustrated. There are also some tips on how to choose and how to sew knits, which never hurts.

Here you can see a few constructions details: the black thread on top is the lighting stitch used to sew the band to the neckline; the white thread is the serger seam I used to finish the edge (too lazy to re-thread my serger with black...), and in the middle, you can see the wrong side of the double needle stitches.

This is how hemmed both the bottom and sleeves.
The pattern instructions say to fold the fabric twice and topstitch, but in order to avoid bulk, I turned the fabric once, machine basted, then used the double needle on the right side, and then trimmed the excess close to the seam.
If you finish the bottom edge with a serger before doing the rest, the result will look even nicer; I didn't bother (again, too lazy) and it looks ok anyway.

I also tried the Hudson pants included in the Parcel and I was enthusiastic about them, but having used a really fugly fabric, I didn't even bother taking photos... But they do have my stamp of approval too!
I also want to eventually try the Zsalya Dress by Kate and Rose: such a beautiful design!

I'll leave you to the details of the Parcel, as well as to a link for purchasing it... Think about it, it's a great chance for you and to do something good :D 

Pattern Parcel #6: Choose your own price and support DonorsChoose. Win/win

How Pattern Parcel Works:
Here at Perfect Pattern Parcel, we believe in supporting independent pattern designers. It’s our opinion that indie patterns are just, well, better than big box patterns, and we’re pretty sure our customers think so too. So, we allow customers to show their support in naming their own price for each Parcel.
We also encourage customers to allocate part of their Parcel price to the charity in order to help classrooms in need. Pattern Parcel donates all profits after expenses from Parcel sales to the charity as well. Together we've raised over $12,000 for classrooms in need!

Parcel #6 includes: 

Bonus Pattern:
Choose a price of $32 or greater for Parcel #6 and you will automatically also be sent the Bonus Pattern! That's only $5 a pattern. The Bonus Pattern for this Parcel is the Odette Dress by Bluegingerdoll. Vintage inspired silhouette is had two flattering necklines and a gorgeous skirt.  The Odette Dress pattern goes from a size 4 through a 24!

Pattern Parcel #6: Choose your own price and support DonorsChoose. Win/win

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Abilmente 2014

As I mentioned in passing in my last post (it was just in the Italian portion) and as you might have seen in social media, I spent last week in Vicenza, at the "Abilmente" creative fair.

You might also have already read a summary of this experience by Silvia's, Sasha's, Eléonore's or Pauline's, but it just didn't feel right not to share myself a few words on this incredible time!

I was invited along Silvia, Sasha and Annika to accompany a few foreign indie pattern designers: Deer and Doe, Aime comme Marie, Pauline Alice and Compagnie M. Because indie patterns are not known at all here (everyone either uses sewing magazines or knows how to draft patterns themselves), we were supposed to provide help with the language barrier and to physically demonstrate how these patterns works.

I didn't sew a lot while I was there (I made a Belladone dress and started a Chardon skirt), but much to my surprise, I loved being in contact with people (a lot of them!) all day. I'm not a people person at all, so I really wasn't expecting this, but as Sasha has cleverly remarked herself, I am SO passionate about this topic that I really wanted to pass it on to other people, so much so that I didn't even care about endless hours on my feet without eating or going to the bathroom.
It was such a great feeling! Very reassuring, and a big boost of self confidence, I must admit.

But if this wasn't enough, the best part of these days was spending so much time around people I've wanted to meet for a long time, and who have immediately felt like old friends.

Eléonore, of course, was the person I was most anxious to meet in person, having virtually known her and emailed with her weekly for almost 5 years. We're both a bit shy and awkward, so our chemistry wasn't 100% there, but we could both feel the deep mutual respect and admiration we've been building up for all these years.

Silvia is a force of nature! She was so kind to me, giving me lifts on her car everyday. I felt immediately at ease with her, as if I had known her for a long time, and I treasured every moment spent with her.

Pauline is even cuter in person, if you can believe it (she looks like a porcelain doll!), and calm, witty, and professional... Can you tell I have a bit of a girl crush?

Annika - Source
Sasha and I - Source
Annika and Sasha, I didn't know before the event, and I'm so glad to have met.
Sasha is relatively new to the blogging sphere, but so incredibly talented. We couldn't believe some of the things she has sewn since she first sat in front of a sewing machine 10 months ago, she has amazing skills and unbelievable taste. Go take a look at her blog, NOW!
Annika, so calm and poised, was the perfect companion for those rare breaks we took.

Marie (on the right) and her amazing friend Flavia - Source
I also have developed a major girl crush on the ever-smiling Marie, whose patterns, I must admit, I've never tried. I now appreciate their simplicity and sense of modern, urban style.

Marte made an incredible impression on all of us, always having the best ideas (like those bottles of Prosecco to celebrate the last day :D ), great marketing skills and such a lovable, down to earth personality.

Finally, I had the chance of meeting in person Gaia Segattini, one of the biggest name of the online Italian creativity... She's an amazing woman, and I love her sense of humour (and her style)!

I left Vicenza feeling so positive and energized, it was truly incredible.
And of course, I wasn't empty handed:

  1. Since Aime comme Marie also offers patterns for men, I decided to try something new and I got the "Aime comme Matelot" pattern, which is a Henley shirt with two button variations. I knew my boyfriend wears this kind of shirt, but to my huge disappointed, he didn't seem too excited by it... See what happens when you leave the path of selfish sewing? Maybe I should have gotten the shirt pattern...
    Anyway, I'll definitely let you know as it goes and I'll definitely make him model for the blog, wejust need to find the time to go fabric shopping together...
  2. I've wanted the Turia dungarees pattern by Pauline Alice ever since it came out, but since I knew I was going to meet her in person, I decided to wait and have it hand-delivered by the designer! In fact, I was Pauline's first client on the first day of Abilmente! :) I love this pattern I can't wait to try it!
    In the end, I couldn't resist and I also got the Ninot jacket pattern... The samples Pauline had with her in Vicenza were so gorgeous (I'm especially in love with the green one with the fur collar), I knew I would regret not buying it.
  3. I didn't know Compagnie M. before this experience, but I fell in love immediately with Marte's original and eye-catching designs. I took home the Charles pants, the Julia sweater and the Lotta dress for my niece (hoping I'll manage to involve her mum in the sewing process!).
  4. I finally got the chance to put my hands on Peggy Journal, a new creative Italian magazine, and to also met some of their staff. This magazine is chucked full of great ideas, wonderful photography and general awesomeness, I'm in love. The next issue is out in November, I can't wait!
  5. I met two girls from the Burdastyle Italia team and they not only didn't hit me for all the mean things I write in my review, but they also gave me the November issue so I could review it! Joking aside, it was really nice to meet them, I wish I had more time to talk to them about the magazine! Expect a review (unbiased) next week!
  6. Finally, this costed me a few strange looks from people, but I took home the sign that was over Deer and Doe's booth, and I'm so glad I did! It barely fit in my suitcase, so it wasn't too crazy to take home, and I can't wait to have a bigger space to hang it in!
    Also, in a corner, you can see the delicious violet flavored candy that Eléonore gave me as a present... such a thoughtful gift (and very well suited to my taste... yum!). Thank you, girl!
I want to thank all the wonderful people mentioned above, as well as our coordinators Gioia and Roberta, our technical support from SVP (Andrea and Claudio in particular) and all the people who stopped by my table to say "hello" and to hear me talk for a little bit. Some of them knew me from the blog, some of them got interested and told me they would pass by here... Anyway, it was a real pleasure to meet all of you, and I can only hope this was just the first of many, many experiences of this kind!