Monday, February 13, 2012

Burdastyle Magazine 03/2012

I don't know why, but the new issue will be out in a few days and the usual, complete preview is not online yet. So, in order to put this post together, I had to piece images here and there from the German and Russian Burda site. Becasue of this fragmention, I didn't really manage to form a good idea of this upcoming issue, but here are my highlights anyway.

These pants have enough details to make them interesting to me. Also they have elastic at the back, which is a big plus for me, since my derrière is quite difficult to fit.
I also like the lenght.

Cute shorts! I like the waistband, the welt pockets and I think they look really cute in this fabric.

I still haven't decidec if I like this dress or not. I think it might be right up my alley made in a soft floral fabric.

Love this! It almost seems like something out of Pattern Magic. I think the checkered fabric works perfectly.

This skirt is probably not for everyone (I mean, a knot right THERE might be a bit too much), but it has an interesting design.

I really like the button-ups of this issue, they have interesting details and, once again, I love the fabric they chose. I think they look really great in these very light, gauze-like cottons.

If you want to see the scans of previous issues, I updated the Flickr Set of 2012 Burdastyle Magazine.