Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Burdastyle Magazine 02/2012

Guess who received a Burda subscription as a Christmas gift? ^_^
So, starting with the February issue, I won't have to decide whether buying the magazine or not. And I don't know if I would have bought this issue, because there is very very little that impressed me.

First of all, this dress. Although I really dislike the matt/shiny contrast of the fabric, it seems a very nice silhouette. There is also a black version of it which looks very elegant. The pockets are a nice touch.

I think this might be interesting. I really hate the multitude of colours they used here; there is a black version of this dress as well, but the design lines disappear. The neckline is gorgeous on the model, though, and the chunky zipper in the back looks very nice.

There are some very cute pants in this issue. These are high-waisted and have a nice detail in the back. Since one of my goals for this year is to sew a pair of trousers, I might consider this pattern.
A little off topic: don't you hate it too how sometimes (often, actually) Burda chooses fabrics and photos that don't showcase AT ALL the garments? I mean, black trousers under a long top? How are we supposed to see them? The same thing applies for the black versions of the two dresses above.

And lastly, just like when I liked the pattern for a Wilma Flinstones costume, I found myself eyeing these children patterns and wanting them for my size (sorry for the terribly cropped image). Aren't they cute?

More images will be soon available in the Burda Archive Project page.


  1. I completely agree with you. Even just reading this post nothing caught my eye until those kids patterns. We don't always have to be all growed up though!

  2. i think there is a great potential in these two dress patterns, i just hate burda versions hehe.. but i can't wait to make mine versions :)

    1. I can't wait to see what you make with them, especially the second pattern! :)

  3. Mi piace molto il modello del primo vestito: in effetti è molto anni 80 con quei colori...e poi preferirei farlo in tinta unita :P Sarà che i tubini con tanti tagli rendono sempre di più se fatti in tinta unita appunto.

    1. A me non spiace l'illusione di top+gonna usando due colori, ma questi qua non mi piacciono per niente. Soprattutto metà opaco e metà lucido, che pacchianata! D'altronde a Burda il trash impera spesso e volentieri...

  4. Yep, I agree with you. Not very excited with the upcoming issue, and I really don't understand why they don't showcase their clothes better...it is, after all, all about the clothes and their designs!!!

    1. It's a thing they've done forever and they still haven't improved. I really don't understand.

  5. I totally hear you about the kid clothes! I only own one Burda Magazine and I swear I don't want to make anything out of it except the kids' stuff.

  6. I am quite looking forward to this issue. Your choices correspond exactly with mine and.....Thank you for bringing my attention to the pants, I never even noticed them before!

    1. Eheh, it's probably because of those "beautiful" photos!

  7. The dress with the diagonal piecing reminds me of the series ofbodycon dresses that are really popular (and super overpriced) at Anthropologie right now (the layered, rugby stripe, pieced column dresses). I have been contemplating how to make one similar so may explore that pattern.

  8. Ecco, questo significa guardare al di la' delle apparenze! Brava :) La silhouette del primo abito e' molto femminile e donerebbe anche ad una figura con piu' curve. I pantaloni hanno un taglio splendido ma come potrai immaginare il mio cuore e' stato del tutto rapito dall'ultima immagine :) Mi infilerei in quei vestitini adorabili in un battibaleno! Tra l'altro, ora che guardo il cappotto, e' identico a quello che ho nelle foto del post in Irlanda! Spiccicato, il mio ha solo in piu' un taglio dietro per renderlo ancora piu' scampanato. Non c'e' niente da fare, gli abiti di una volta sono avanti anni luce!
    Buon weekend cara!
